Ahhh Carrie, you have been on my mind through this horror but yesterday in particular. I’d say move to Canada but alas, the vile orange has begun to spill across the border now too. But hey, we’re survivors, you and I so we’ll buckle up and prepare for impact I suppose. You and I met 15 yrs ago. Time flies, clearly. Four years (with any luck, fewer). Hang in and keep writing my friend. Your words matter. The appearance of your cheeks…not so much. 😉
My favorite of your resolutions and one I would gladly adopt is to become breathtakingly solvent! And truth be told I wouldn't mind a tad bit of work done to eliminate my "marionette lines." As for what's happening in that alternate reality... what is there to say? Sure, you could be wrong. And when you are proven wrong, I'll have my dog sprout wings and fly over to visit your dogs for a cuppa kibble. XOX
I love this and you in all your gracefulness.
Congratulations on your newest being in the world. I trust it will be handled with care. <3
Ahhh Carrie, you have been on my mind through this horror but yesterday in particular. I’d say move to Canada but alas, the vile orange has begun to spill across the border now too. But hey, we’re survivors, you and I so we’ll buckle up and prepare for impact I suppose. You and I met 15 yrs ago. Time flies, clearly. Four years (with any luck, fewer). Hang in and keep writing my friend. Your words matter. The appearance of your cheeks…not so much. 😉
And so glad you have typed those two lovely words. Your fellow waiter.
My favorite of your resolutions and one I would gladly adopt is to become breathtakingly solvent! And truth be told I wouldn't mind a tad bit of work done to eliminate my "marionette lines." As for what's happening in that alternate reality... what is there to say? Sure, you could be wrong. And when you are proven wrong, I'll have my dog sprout wings and fly over to visit your dogs for a cuppa kibble. XOX
you missed one on your todo list: "Hang out more with Sadie"
now the list is complete! sending you sisterhood solidarity forever....
Adding it to my list now!